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Our available apartments

Here you can find out about available or vacant rental apartments in Lahti Houses. Browse at your leisure and add your favourites to your housing application. We recommend that you also add other interesting areas and houses to your application where there are currently no vacant or upcoming apartments. The vacancy situation can change quickly and some of these apartments may be currently offered.

Use the buttons below to apply for housing and to explore other options for living in Lahti Houses.


Sykekatu 16

Pirttiharju, Lahti

611,02 €/month 2h+kk+p, 55,5 m²
Available from 1.4.2025

Luiskakatu 2

Laune, Lahti

988,37 €/month 3h+k+s+p, 71,5 m²

Sykekatu 6

Pirttiharju, Lahti

740,40 €/month 3h+k+p, 80,0 m²

Järvenpäänkatu 27

Tonttila, Lahti

609,69 €/month 2h+kk+s+p, 38,5 m²

Järvenpäänkatu 27

Tonttila, Lahti

609,69 €/month 2h+kk+s+p, 38,5 m²

Palokunnantie 7

Kärpänen, Lahti

794,11 €/month 2h+k+s+p, 58,0 m²

Taapelikatu 12

Ankkuri, Lahti

774,56 €/month 2h+kk+s+p, 46,0 m²

Taapelikatu 12

Ankkuri, Lahti

766,84 €/month 2h+kk+s+p, 46,0 m²
Available from 1.4.2025

Vasamakatu 9

Asemantausta, Lahti

823,86 €/month 2h+k+p, 60,0 m²
Available now

Kaarlonkatu 6

Niemi, Lahti

791,58 €/month 3h+k+p, 72,0 m²

Vasamakatu 9

Asemantausta, Lahti

823,86 €/month 2h+k+p, 60,0 m²

Hollolankatu 3

Keskusta, Lahti

1 026,39 €/month 3h+k+p, 73,5 m²

Hirsimetsäntie 71

Kiveriö, Lahti

769,09 €/month 2h+k+s+p, 55,5 m²

Ritaniemenkatu 5

Mukkula, Lahti

856,11 €/month 3h+k+p, 69,0 m²
Available from 1.4.2025
kiinteistön ulkokuva

Kaunisharjunpolku 3

Kärpänen, Lahti

740,28 €/month 3h+k+p, 76,0 m²
Available now

Vähäntalonkatu 21

Hennala, Lahti

849,53 €/month 2h+k+s+t, 60,5 m²

Ahtialanpolku 6

Ahtiala, Lahti

770,63 €/month 2h+k+p, 60,0 m²

Lanssikatu 7

Niemi, Lahti

881,27 €/month 3h+kk+p, 55,0 m²
Available from 1.4.2025

We are the largest rent apartment provider in the Lahti region. We rent, own, maintain and build high quality but comfortably priced homes. With over 7,000 apartments, you'll find a home you'll love - whether you love the peace and quiet or the hustle and bustle of the city. Our friendly and professional staff will help you with all your housing needs.

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