advice form

Lahden Talot – in English


Application for housing is to be filled online on our WWW-pages.

Application for housing is valid for three months. If the applicant´s situation changes, the application must be altered respectively.

Renewal /change/ withdrawal of application may be submitted by e-mail, phone, filled online using the form on our WWW-pages or by visiting our customer service office. There is no need to submit a new application.

Credit information of all applicants is verified from Suomen Asiakastieto Oy credit information registry. Entries into credit information registry, containing negative data on payment history, may have affect on granting the housing, conditions of the lease and the amount of deposit.

Application form

Accommodation Offer

If you accept our accommodation offer, please provide us with the answer within two days. Your reservation is confirmed after paying the deposit to the account stated in our offer.

In case the accommodation is not suitable for you, please inform us about it so that we could present you with other options.


A security deposit is mainly 0 € or 250 €. Amount of deposit may vary for example if your credit history shows payment defaults or we are not able to revise your credit information. Maximum amount of deposit is three months rent.

The receipt showing that a deposit was paid is to be presented when signing the lease contract.

The deposit will be returned within approx. one month after termination of the contract and when the tenant has completed his/her duties and returned the flat cleaned together with flat keys.

In case the tenant did not fulfill conditions of the lease, the deposit will be used for covering cost occurred.

Signing the Lease

The provision for signing the lease is that persons stated in the application move to the apartment. Both sides, proving their identity, must be present when signing the contract. With this form, you can authorize a representative to handle your housing matters on your behalf.

Appendices stated in the accommodation offer, as well as possible deposit payment receipt, must be presented when singing the contract.

Appendices of Rental Agreement



Remember to notify the Local Registry Office and the Post Office on your move (forms are available from the Post Office (Posti), Social Insurance Institution (Kela) and Local Registry Office.

Notification of move can be submitted to the Population Register Centre by phone (payable service number 0295 535 535) or using online service or Digital and Population Data services Agency.

You must confirm your identity when picking up the keys. If a person other than you picks up the keys, that person must present a proxy form.

Electricity Contract

Oomi Energia requires information on electricity contract/ notification of move in good time before the moving date. Electricity contract signed in good time ensures availability of electricity in the flat upon moving in and correctness of customer information. Late notification may cause extra costs for a customer.

For more information, please go to  Oomi Energia.

Internet Connections

Change your Internet subscription to your new address.

Apartment Inspection upon Moving in

On the start date of the tenancy agreement, a link for an apartment self-check will be sent to the tenant´s email address. We kindly ask you to check the condition of the apartment when moving in. Please fill in the apartment check form within 10 days of the start date of the tenancy agreement.

Estate Rules and Regulations

Disturbance Report

Please fill the disturbance report and send it to the property manager.

Contract Termination

Please terminate your contract in good time. The period of notice is one calendar month and it is calculated to start from the last day
of the calendar day when the contract was terminated. Link to contract termination.