Service request form Please, read about Privacy Policy of Lahden Talot here. ApartmentAddress*Search your home address, start typing and choose from the listApartment or space HiddenHuoltoyhtiön sähköposti Personal informationFirst name* Last name* Phone number* Email* Additional informationJanitor's entry*Service keyCode lockCode lock + keyCall for detailsFree entryJanitor's keyJanitor's key + security lockService classAntennaElevatorsApartment maintenanceApartment check upVandalismAir conditioningRemote surveillanceHome appliance changeAppliance repairFlaggingHVAC-installation, suppliesHeatingOther repairingsName changeLaundry roomsGround and furnitureBuilding indoor repairBuilding outdoor repairReclamationCleaningElectricity maintenanceSuppliesNotes distributionWater pipes and sewerageWater meter check upCollective saunasUrgencyAcute fixNormalService on callOn agreementPetsNo petsPets, no entryPets, free entryWanted service date / time Service descriptionAdd picture of the faultAccepted file types: jpg, gif, png, Max. file size: 25 MB.PhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.